Sales and Marketing (2/11)
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sal_gmi8.ppt (0,9M)

Innovation and Global Leadership .(English)

MIT Sloan Fellows Program

sal_gmi8.swf (0,3M)
sal_gmi9.ppt (1,6M)

International Marketing .(English)

Products and Services for Consumers

sal_gmi9.swf (0,8M)
sal_gmi10.ppt (0,9M)

S &T and Innovation .(English)

Statistics as tool for measurement progress in innovation performance

sal_gmi10.swf (0,5M)
sal_gmi11.ppt (5,3M)

Digital Marketing Innovation Series .(English)

What The Emergence of Widgets Means To You

sal_gmi11.swf (1,2M)
sal_gmi12.ppt (0,2M)

The New Consumer .(English)

Marketing Evolution + Revolution – the Future Marketing Environment

sal_gmi12.swf (0,4M)
sal_gmi13.ppt (0,4M)

From Cottage to Global .(English)

Challenges and Opportunities facing Australian Wine Companies

sal_gmi13.swf (0,5M)
sal_gmi14.ppt (0,4M)

Strategic Marketing .(English)

Your market deserves a 2nd look

sal_gmi14.swf (0,3M)