Innovation (9/19)
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inn_gi8.ppt (0,9M)

COST Office Brussels .(English)

European COoperation in Science and Technology

inn_gi8.swf (0,6M)
inn_gi9.ppt (4,8M)

Global Innovation Outlook .(English)

New Opportunities for Business and Societal Innovation

inn_gi9.swf (0,5M)
inn_gi11.ppt (1,4M)

Progress Report 2006 .(English)

Teleconference Innovation Networks

inn_gi11.swf (0,8M)
inn_gi10.ppt (4,6M)

Global Collaboration .(English)

Regional Convergence & Economic Opportunity

inn_gi10.swf (1,4M)
inn_gi1.ppt (7,7M)

Innovation that Matters .(English)

Global Innovation Outlook – IBM

inn_gi1.swf (0,7M)
inn_gi2.ppt (1,0M)

Global Innovation Challenges .(English)

European Regional Opportunities

inn_gi2.swf (0,9M)
inn_reti.ppt (0,5M)

Innovazione e Competitivita' .(Italian)

Le reti di nuova generazione come motore di sviluppo del Mercato e del Paese

inn_reti.swf (0,5M)