Innovation (16/19)
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inn_tech.ppt (2,0M)

University of Manchester .(English)

The Future of Foresight in Technology and Innovation Policy for Development

inn_tech.swf (0,5M)
inn_chem.ppt (1,7M)

Chemistry for Future Energy Supply .(English)

The Role of Chemistry in Innovation

inn_chem.swf (0,5M)
inn_net.ppt (5,3M)

The Future of Work .(English)

Collaborative Innovation Networks

inn_net.swf (0,7M)
inn_eco.ppt (0,6M)

Eco–innovation for a sustainable future .(English)

The EU Environmental Technologies Action Plan Progress and Next Steps

inn_eco.swf (0,4M)
inn_openinnovation.ppt (0,7M)

UC Berkeley .(English)

Open Innovation: The Next Frontier in R&D

inn_openinnovation.swf (0,6M)
inn_sri.ppt (8,4M)

SRI International .(English)

Girls Building Information Technology Fluency Through Design

inn_sri.swf (0,5M)
inn_sacramento.ppt (0,9M)

University of California .(English)

Innovation and Institutional Change

inn_sacramento.swf (0,4M)