General Interest (24/26)
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gen_womenempowerment.ppt (2,5M)

Women Empowerment.(English)

Women’s Economic Empowerment: current realities and priorities for the future

gen_womenempowerment.swf (0,4M)
gen_innovationeng.ppt (0,2M)

Innovation .(English)

Engineering Innovation

gen_innovationeng.swf (0,4M)
gen_innovationPMI.ppt (0,8M)

Innovazaione nella PMI .(Italian)

L’attivazione delle filiere ricerca–imprese–mercato: il caso Pont–Tech

gen_innovationPMI.swf (0,4M)
gen_innovationYX.ppt (1,8M)

Innovation .(English)

Growth, but tough to come up with new angle, unless take an interesting new micro–macro angle

gen_innovationYX.swf (0,5M)
gen_innovationsmall.ppt (0,4M)

Innovation SME .(English)

Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer

gen_innovationsmall.swf (0,6M)
gen_maya_aztec.ppt (2,7M)

Mayas, Aztecs and Incas Outlook .(English)

Ancient Latin American Civilizations

gen_maya_aztec.swf (1,0M)
gen_temporal.ppt (0,2M)

Centre for Cultural Informatics .(English)

Supporting Chronological Reasoning in Archaeology

gen_temporal.swf (0,4M)