General Interest (22/26)
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gen_bigpiceng.ppt (0,9M)

Big Picture .(English)

Information Technology in the world, business models are changing. How a new Full Service Provider has to be organized.

gen_bigpiceng.swf (0,6M)
gen_bustransf.ppt (0,8M)

Business Transformation .(English)

How business are going to be transformed by acceleration change.

gen_bustransf.swf (0,4M)
gen_IPC_overview.ppt (1,2M)

Worldwide IPC .(English)

Overview of this Association connecting Eletronic Companies

gen_IPC_overview.swf (0,5M)
gen_SysThinkBus.ppt (1,7M)

Business and Systems Thinking .(English)

What your company may be doing wrong and not even know it!

gen_SysThinkBus.swf (0,4M)
gen_selfnature.ppt (2,9M)

Self Organization .(English)

Let's learn from nature how to reorganize when stressed by critical external events

gen_selfnature.swf (1,3M)
gen_leadershipnew.ppt (2,8M)

Leadership & New Science .(English)

Leaders Should help develop a clear identity that lights the dark in moments of confusion. Support employees as they learn to incorporate values into their organizational lives. Understand we are controlled by concepts that invite our participation, not policies and procedures that curtail our contribution. Create space where people, ideas, and information circulate freely.

gen_leadershipnew.swf (0,8M)
gen_climatechange_1.ppt (0,8M)

Climate Change .(English)

The Future is Upon Us

gen_climatechange_1.swf (0,5M)