Fun (3/4)
1  2  3  4 
fun_fc6.ppt (0,1M)

Just for Fun .(English)


fun_fc6.swf (0,3M)
fun_fc3.ppt (2,2M)

Fun And Profit .(English)

Subverting VistaTM Kernel

fun_fc3.swf (0,7M)
fun_valma_1+1=2.ppt (0,3M)

1+1=2 .(Italian)

Presentazione/gioco sui consulenti aziendali che normalmente rendono complicato ciò che potrebbe essere molto più semplice.

fun_valma_1+1=2.swf (0,3M)
fun_thelastphoto.ppt (0,9M)

The Last Photo

General use slides

fun_thelastphoto.swf (0,8M)
fun_pooh.ppt (0,6M)

Pooh .(English)

About right things to do

fun_pooh.swf (0,7M)
fun_gift.ppt (0,5M)

Gift .(English)

About life...

fun_gift.swf (0,5M)
fun_perfectworld.ppt (0,7M)

Perfect World .(English)

In a perfect world

fun_perfectworld.swf (1,0M)