Finance (4/5)
1  2  3  4  5 
fin_eva_4.ppt (0,4M)

EVA–Economic Value Added .(English)

Evaluating the performance of an Investment Center : ROI ROE EVA

fin_eva_4.swf (0,4M)
fin_SWOT2.ppt (0,1M)

Strengths–Weaknesses–Opportunities–Threats .(English)

Selecting a Commercialization Approach: SWOT Analysis

fin_SWOT2.swf (0,4M)
fin_financialcontrol.ppt (0,2M)

Financial Control .(English)

External Financial Control: Financial Ratio Analysis

fin_financialcontrol.swf (0,5M)
fin_newmetrics.ppt (1,4M)

New Metrics .(English)

The New Event Metrics: Redefining Exhibitor ROI

fin_newmetrics.swf (0,6M)
fin_ITriskmanagement.ppt (0,9M)

IT Risk Management .(English)

The IT Leadership Financial Conversation

fin_ITriskmanagement.swf (0,5M)
fin_indicatori.ppt (0,1M)

Indicatori Economici .(English)

Indicatori di Risultato

fin_indicatori.swf (0,3M)
fin_SWOT3.ppt (0,5M)

Strengths–Weaknesses–Opportunities–Threats .(English)

Conducting a SWOT

fin_SWOT3.swf (0,3M)